Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Solar Energy Is Fantastic, But How Do Solar Panel Systems Work?

People want to know how solar panels convert solar energy into electricity. There is high science behind the simple exterior when it comes to solar panel technology.

PV cells or photovoltaic cells are the masterminds behind solar panel technology. They are the brains of the operation. Sunlight (photo) is tuned in to electricity (voltaic). Photovoltaic is the combination of those two terms. But that's in reality only the start.

How Residential Solar Panels Function In 6 Simple Steps

In order to explain how the whole process works, let's explain it all in sequence. This will then help you to understand how a solar panel works.

1. Sunshine: The sun shines and strikes your solar panels with its photons. Photons are little particles of sunlight which warm and light the earth.

2. Photon Conversion: The solar panel then converts those photons into electricity and into DC electric voltage.

3. AC Conversion: The electrons are then converted from AC to DC - just like the heavy metal band. Now, the AC power is ready to be utilized by you and all your electronic gadgets.

4. Meter It: A little meter called a bi-directional meter then monitors the amount of electricity used.

5. Utilization: Any existing power that is not used then gets delivered back to the grid via your meter. Your meter tracks how much is sent back to the grid.

6. Credits to You: At night or when its cloudy, the energy is issued back to you in the form of credits.

How Do Solar Panels Work: Since and Simplicity

The solar panel process is deceptively simple, but there is much Einstein-like physics involved as well.

Silicon is the base element at the heart of a PV panel. Silicon is also in all computers. So if you think of them as similar, you're starting to get it.

Silicon is an excellent substance for transmitting electrons. When silicon is resting in an uncharged state, it has 4 electrons. But the cool thing is that they can CARRY eight when they are charged. These 8 electrons are vital to a solar array functioning.

When sunlight shines on silicon, the solar plates combine through wires which pass the current of electricity (flowing electrons) between panels.

The photons from the sun are the reason this all occurs. Those photons enable the silicon to carry nine electrons - when there's only space for eight electrons. The 9th electron is dropped and picked up again - all of which charges the panel. And then... electricity you can use is produced.

Solar Power Tech Comes to Life

The solar panels of today are far more efficient than those of a few years ago. As technology evolves, solar panels will become more and more efficient. Today, for most domestic homes far fewer solar panels are needed than just a few years ago .

Even though the most recent developments have made residential solar panels more potent, a whole roof full of solar panels is still required to supply enough electricity for the majority of residences.

Although newer technologies such as mirrors (known as 'concentrators') have improved the performance of solar panels, most homes will continue to require multiple solar panels to generate sufficient electricity.

No doubt, solar will look far different years from now as technology advances in solar. Although the look may be different, the same core processes at work to convert the sun's rays to electricity will likely remain the same.The major difference will be even greater efficiency in converting the unlimited supply of energy from the sun into the electricity we need to power our homes.

To get more information in solar panels, click here.


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